A place to share a little about my crazy life filled with food, friends, faith and freedom.
Passion, how I miss you. |
I haven't stopped by in quite a while. There is one reason for that. And it's a good one. PASSION CONFERENCE 2013. 65,000 High School Seniors and College students. Taking on Atlanta, GA. Jesus on steroids. The craziest thing I have ever done in my life. Oh God is so good.
Oh yeah, and did you know there are 27 million slaves in the world right now? Men, Women, and Children sold into labor, trade, and sex trafficking. All across the globe-including right here in America. (Atlanta is in the top ten of highest trafficked cities.) This is insanity. We are talking about modern day, civilized society. All of this is horrific and hidden. These 27 million voices have gone unheard for far too long. WE can do something about it. Simply tell people it exists. Tweet it, Instagram it, Facebook it. #enditmovement. Lets shine a light on slavery, friends!
Are you in it to end it? |
I'm in it to end it!