Ahhhhhhh. This is really happening. After months and months of constant college research, scholarship applications, paper after paper, and then an awesome summer in Spain...It is finally time! I am heading to my dream college this friday. Yep this Friday. In two days everything changes...I'll be free!
While I am beyond excited about the upcoming freedom, I am also quite quite nervous about being completely on my own. Balancing my money, doing laundry, making my own decisions- the whole independence thing still seems a little bittersweet.
I said goodbye to my best, best friend Monday and that hurt a lot. Another good friend leaves tomorrow and the rest head out next week. Ready or not, it is time. Soooo, my goal is to just go into everything as calm as possible and hope to have a good time! I know there are some incredible things laying ahead and God has crazy plans for everything. Please be praying that I will go into this whole experience with a desire to simply love people like Jesus and to get a great teaching education.
I hope y'all have a great week, God bless.
I miss you dearest Halle Kay!